2023 Legislative Wrap

July 18, 2023

The 82nd Legislature of the state of Nevada came to an end at midnight on June 5, 2023. Although the assembly consisted of a super-majority of pro-death zealots and the senate was one shy of a super-majority of pro-death zealots, we were able to fight back most of the bad bills. Here is a breakdown on the bills we fought.

SB131Protects those who would transport a child over the border for a secret abortionVeto proof super majority passed. Signed into law.
SJR7Step one of amending Nevada Constitution to protect unfettered abortion as a fundamental right. Must pass the next legislature, then go to a vote of the people.Party line vote. No ability for veto. Can stop if we get a majority in one house.
AB383Would prohibit local communities regulating abortion facilities.Passed. Vetoed by Gov. Lombardo. Must maintain current numbers of legislators to sustain veto first week of next session without hearing or public comment..
SB239Assisted suicide. This bill follows the model of Oregon and Canada and will open the door to the problems seen there. When assisted suicide becomes a treatment option, it becomes a valued option for cost-cutting with insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid. There are no safeguards protecting the vulnerable and the elderly. The definition of terminal is so broad that diabetes and other chronic but only life-threatening without treatment conditions could qualify a patient for a lethal prescription.Passed with bipartisan opposition. Vetoed by Gov. Lombardo at end of session. Must maintain current numbers of legislators to sustain veto first week of next session without hearing or public comment..
SB439/AB357Radical sex ed bills that removed curriculum decision-making from the local community and gave it to isolated, unelected bureaucrats at the state level. Comprehensive sex ed mandating educating kids on reproductive rights and radical sexuality/gender education. Change of opt in to opt out reducing parental control.Gutted and killed
AB418CPC harassment and intimidationKilled
SJR6Annual sessionsDied
AB423Budweiser amendment bill. Perfectly good bill protecting parental speech at school boards. Was gutted in the middle of the night by Senator Fabian Donate to fine school boards $5K per day for protecting girls sports and private spaces. Killed.
Nevada Right to Life (EIN 86-0670279) is an IRS 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation that is engaged in issue advocacy through lobbying and political activities. It does not engage in electioneering. Donations are NOT tax deductible.
Nevada Right to Life Foundation, Inc. (EIN 23-7351613) is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Donations are tax deductible and can only be used for educational, outreach, and judicial efforts that benefit the protection of and advocacy for life in all its ages and stages - from conception to natural death.