Tax-deductible donation opportunities are available to Nevada Right to Life FOUNDATION, an IRS 501(c)(3) corporation (EIN 23-7351613) engaged in educational, outreach, and judicial efforts that benefit the protection of and public advocacy for life in all its ages and stages – from conception to natural death. Nevada Right to Life is an IRS 501c(3) corporation (# 23-7351613) engaging in lobbying and political issue advocacy. As such, donations are tax-deductible.
Donate now to help us deliver our pro-life message. Here’s where your gift is needed most:
• Social Media Campaign. With high impact, shareable social media, we will rapidly build a culture of life across Nevada. The preciousness of life will be celebrated from the most rural areas to Nevada’s urban centers.
• Camp Joshua. Our weekend camp of workshops, games and engaging speakers educates and motivates pro-life teens to become tomorrow’s pro-life leaders. For $75, you can sponsor a camper.
Together, we will change hearts and save lives.
donate today